Information paper

Intranasal Spray Technique

This information paper provides an overview of current evidence for optimal technique when administering intranasal sprays, which are used in the long-term management of allergic rhinitis.

Key messages for patients

Corticosteroid nasal sprays:

  • are effective medicines for managing allergic rhinitis
  • have a good safety profile and can be used every day long term
  • are intended for everyday use.


This information paper was prepared in consultation with the following health professionals:

  • Professor Richard Harvey, rhinologist and ear, nose and throat surgeon
  • Professor Peter Smith, allergist and immunologist
  • Associate Professor Janet Rimmer, respiratory physician and allergist
  • Dr Jenny Gowan, pharmacist
  • Professor Connie Katelaris, allergist and immunologist
  • Ms Cheryl Tite, pharmacist
  • Dr Simon Young, general practitioner

Recommended citation

National Asthma Council Australia. Intranasal spray technique for people with allergic rhinitis. Melbourne: National Asthma Council Australia, 2017.

How-To Video Library

Our library of How-To videos includes clips showing the correct use of various allergy nasal sprays. There are also clips showing correct use of asthma and COPD inhalers. Click here to view our library of short clips.


Printed copies of our resources, including this information paper, can be ordered by clicking here.


Although all care has been taken, this information paper is only a general guide; it is not a substitute for assessment of appropriate courses of treatment on a case-by-case basis. The National Asthma Council Australia expressly disclaims all responsibility (including negligence) for any loss, damage or personal injury resulting from reliance on the information contained.

© 2017

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