Our translated resources

Asthma symptoms can be worrying and have a major impact on your life. But, the good news is they can be prevented and managed. You just need to understand what asthma is, what makes your symptoms get worse, and how you can control your asthma.

To help you, we have translated some of our most popular resources into community languages for you and your family.

Asthma Action Plans

Written asthma action plans in languages other than English are available here

Asthma Brochures

  • Asthma & Allergy
  • Asthma & Complementary Therapies
  • Asthma & Healthy Living
  • Asthma & Lung Function Tests
  • Asthma & Older Adults
  • Asthma & Wheezing in the First Years of Life

You can download these free brochures in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese here.

Other translated resources

Asthma Australia and the Foundations

Asthma Australia has asthma fact sheets and action plans in several community languages available on their website.

For more information you can also contact the Asthma Foundation in your state by calling 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462). 

Asthma and Your Child information resource pack

NSW Department of Health

NSW Health has many health fact sheets and resources in community languages, including the asthma action plan in Arabic, Chinese, Nepalese and Vietnamese.

They also have asthma facts and asthma first aid plans in a range of other languages. You can download these resources from the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service.

Victorian Department of Human Services

The Victorian Government has a number of asthma fact sheets in community languages including asthma facts and asthma first aid plans. You can download these resources from Health Translations