Media Releases

Debbie Rigby joins NAC as Clinical Executive Lead

3 Feb 2023

The National Asthma Council Australia (NAC) is delighted to announce that Debbie Rigby has joined the organisation in a newly created role of Clinical Executive Lead.

Ms Rigby is an Advanced Practice Pharmacist with over 40 years’ experience across clinical pharmacy practice, interdisciplinary care, policy and advocacy, clinical governance, guidelines development and education.

Rhonda Cleveland, CEO of the National Asthma Council Australia, said that Ms Rigby will help the NAC promote best-practice care to people living with asthma and their families. 

“Debbie has a specific interest in respiratory conditions and has been credentialed as an asthma educator. She is also passionate about improving the care and support for people living with asthma through multidisciplinary patient-centred care, shared decision making and evidence-based medicine,” said Ms Cleveland.

Ms Rigby has had extensive experience in supporting the National Asthma Council Australia in the past, as well as other organisations such as the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG).

She was a Director of NPS MedicineWise for 12 years, is part of the newly established Leadership Group for the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Respiratory Community of Special Interest Group and is a member of the Respiratory Pharmacy Taskforce, chaired by global expert Professor Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich.

Ms Rigby said that she was looking forward to her new role with the NAC and utilising her knowledge of current and emerging asthma management issues, evidence and guidelines in her work alongside asthma, respiratory and primary care experts.

“Through post-graduate qualifications and adjunct appointments at three universities, I have

significant experience in critical evaluation of the literature, and translation of evidence into


“I look forward to bringing my experience and ideas to the NAC as we work to reduce the health, social and economic impacts of asthma in the Australian community,” she said. 

For further information or an interview with a National Asthma Council Australia spokesperson, please contact:

Donna Le Page, Le Page PR Mobile: 0429 825 703 Email[email protected]

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