Fact sheet

5 steps to breathe better, feel better

We have compiled a five step plan to help you breathe better and feel better with asthma.

The 5 Step Plan

Get moving

Whether you want to dance all night, score the winning goal or chase after the grandkids, don’t let your asthma stop you being physically active. If getting active causes asthma symptoms, tell your doctor so you can get the right treatment.

Eat well

A healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegies (and not too many take-aways!) is good for your lungs as well as your waistline. There’s no need to avoid dairy foods unless you have a diagnosed dairy food allergy or intolerance.

Aim for a healthy bodyweight

Being overweight can make asthma harder to manage, plus lead to sleeping problems or reflux. If you are overweight, losing just 5 or 10kg could make you feel better and breathe more easily. Start by talking to your doctor.

Speak up if you need to

Asthma can be harder to manage if you have depression or anxiety, and asthma can also affect your mental health. If your asthma is getting you down or you feel anxious, talk to your doctor.

Go smoke-free

Smoking and asthma is a dangerous combination. Smoking, or breathing in other people’s smoke damages your lungs and stops your asthma puffers working properly. Your doctor or pharmacist can help, or contact Quitline (13 QUIT).

Taking care of your asthma also involves:

  • Seeing your doctor for regular asthma check-ups
  • Following an up-to-date written asthma action plan, prepared with your doctor
  • Taking your preventer medicines regularly, as prescribed
  • Checking your inhaler technique with your pharmacist or practice nurse
  • Understanding what triggers your asthma and how to manage this.

Related Resources

My Asthma Guide 2022
My Asthma Guide

My Asthma Guide is a handbook designed to help patients understand and manage their asthma.

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