Media Releases
Watch out for increased asthma risk over Christmas and the summer holidays
The risk of getting asthma symptoms increases over Christmas and the summer holidays.
Media Releases
Visit version 1.3 of the Australian Asthma Handbook
The National Asthma Council today released version 1.3 of the Australian Asthma Handbook.
Media Releases
New resource to help identify and treat asthma–COPD overlap
A new resource has been released to help diagnose and manage patients with asthma–COPD overlap.
Media Releases
New asthma deaths’ data shows older women continue to be at highest risk
New ABS data shows women aged 65 and over are nearly three times more likely to die from asthma then men in the same group.
Media Releases
New mobile Asthma Buddy to help Australians better manage their asthma
National Asthma Council Australia today announced the launch of a new Asthma Buddy mobile website.
Media Releases
New digitised asthma action plan for your patients
National Asthma Council Australia today announced the launch of a new Asthma Buddy mobile website.
Media Releases
New digitised asthma action plan makes it easier to manage asthma
National Asthma Council Australia today announced the launch of a new Asthma Buddy mobile website.
Media Releases
Asthma buddy is back
Asthma Buddy is an easy-to-use and take-anywhere asthma management tool.
Media Releases
Prepare your pharmacy for thunderstorm asthma
The National Asthma Council today launched a suite of resources on thunderstorm asthma to help prepare pharmacists.
Media Releases
Be prepared for thunderstorm asthma
The National Asthma Council today launched a suite of resources on thunderstorm asthma to prepare healthcare professionals.